Maintain Your Cedar Roof!
Cedar roofs are one of the most beautiful and efficient roofing materials. However, they are the one roofing material that absolutely must be maintained. Without routine cleaning and maintenance, the cedar shakes and shingles will decay from a host of organic materials and wood destroying fungi. To avoid this damage, it is recommended that cedar roofs be cleaned and maintained every 8 to 10 years (sooner if in a wet and rainy environment). So long as they are maintained, the cedar roof will last up to 60 years or more. At Coast Roof Cleaning, we understand the delicate nature of cedar roofs. Our cleaning solution and process is completely safe to you and the environment, while effectively removing the harmful organic material buildup from the shakes and shingles. At no time will we use a damaging pressure washer or walk on your roof. All our cleaning is done without pressure from the safety of a ladder, so there is no risk in damaging your beautiful cedar shakes and shingles.